Today’s update is bringing good news for all AMD users that use Windows: you can expect a performance boost of 50 – 200%. This means that you can now play and test Cattle and Crops with higher graphic settings.

Linux users can also look forward to the update: Cattle and Crops now has a Linux compatible launcher. We have to add that we can’t guarantee accurate rendering or bugless graphics when you use open source drivers.

There is a new version of the Cattle and Crops launcher. Unfortunately you have to take a slight detour with this version. In order to activate the new launcher you just have to follow these steps:
Start the launchpad via Programs / Cattle and Crops
Enter your account data (username & password) and press ‘Login’
It crashes! (‘Launchpad doesn’t work anymore’) Don’t panic!
Log in again, press ‘Update’ and wait for the download to finish
When you start the launcher the next time, you’ll have the current version where you don’t have to log in any longer.

As always you can keep track of the improvements, bug fixes and changes that have also found their way into the current version in our changelog.

NEW: Linux release
NEW: Launchpad reworked: supports Linux; logging in is only necessary once, afterwards you will auto-login; status of the complete download is visible; crashfix when ending and updating. An update can now be downloaded without having to delete all other data first.
BUG FIX: UserActions: implement box isn’t too small any more when there is no user action
BUG FIX: Red stripe isn’t visible any more when the employee starts plowing a new lane
BUG FIX: Character animation of a pedestrian (male 2)
BUG FIX: Claas/MB Trac: Steering wheel indoor synchronized to steering
BUG FIX: Dammann Land-Cruiser: CabControl doesn’t stay above the UserActionSidebar when manually detaching
BUG FIX: AI traffic isn’t displayed on the mini map any longer
BUG FIX: CabControl panel: ImageButton should work as well
BUG FIX: UI: Vehicles menu: Searches for the name of a vehicle series as well
CHANGE: Camerazoom in the vehicle has been increased considerably
CHANGE: Script editor: UserAction can be disabled
CHANGE: Editor: Keyboard shortcut for “select with all materials” has been added

Cattle and Crops

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What is a cattle and crops mods?
The cnc mods are your game supplements that will make your game look like you want. We are offering for you a great database of the latest cattle and crops mods. Select modifications according site categories and update your cattle and crops game.

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