Landscape Tutorial Mapping

With these tutorials we explain how to create the basics of a map (landscape) for Cattle and Crops using a 3D program and the engine editor. Basically it is about the terrain, roads, fields and vegetation.

The first part explains all necessary steps in the 3D program Blender, the second part shows how to get the created landscape template from Blender into the engine.

In the video description you can find the link to the sample files and the needed Blender addons. The tutorials are in German language, an English subtitle via the YouTube function will follow in the next days.

Youtube Link: CNC Tutorial Mod Map Landscape Blender 3D (1/2) CNC Tutorial Mod Map Landscape Engine Editor (2/2)

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What is a cattle and crops mods?
The cnc mods are your game supplements that will make your game look like you want. We are offering for you a great database of the latest cattle and crops mods. Select modifications according site categories and update your cattle and crops game.

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