The latest update (v0.2.2.0) introduces four new vehicles: the Lacotec LH II mounted chopper, together with the Claas Orbis 750 cutterbar, brings a new, more intimate harvest experience. The MB Trac 1800, carrying a whopping 180 horses, and the Strautmann SZK-1802H bogy trailer complete the set.
This update’s highlight: muddy, messy dirt! Give your vehicles the dirt treatment on the fields, and clean them at the farm near the high pressure cleaner. Each vehicle and each implement gets its own dirt value, which increases the more they’re used on the fields. Also, driving on wet ground leads to a more dirty vehicle. Those in a hurry can also use the fleet menu to have their machines cleaned – for a little premium, of course. The active usage of the high pressure cleaner will be added in a later menu.
We have further expanded the game’s economy: prices now also fluctuate depending on the season – meaning it becomes sensible to store grain and wait for better financial yields in the winter.
In addition, our PBR implementation has been enhanced with various ambient occlusion techniques, eliminating the extreme glow of metallic surfaces on machines and making them more natural.
As always, you can find all other changes, bug fixes and new features in our changelog.
We are looking forward to your feedback!

The MBB team

NEW: Mercedes Benz MB Trac 1800
NEW: Lacotec LH2 mounted chopper
NEW: Claas Orbis 750 Cutter
NEW: Strautmann SZK 1802H trailer
NEW: Machines can get dirty and can be cleaned.
NEW: A hint is displayed when the time is fast forwarded before a mission
NEW: Prices now also fluctuate depending on the season
NEW: The crop stubbles now also move and deform when they have collision with tires
NEW: Save games can now be named individually when clicking on the writing field in the save game slot

BUG FIX: Deactivated “By Foot” controls are now also possible when the dead zone of a steering wheel is switched off
BUG FIX: The false report about insufficient funds when selling bulls has been removed
BUG FIX: The FPS collapses that occured when the worker has no seeding material to purchase, have been fixed
BUG FIX: Vehicles in the shop’s 3D preview are shown without dirt
BUG FIX: Missions are now longer available than only one day
BUG FIX: The icons on the minimap are drawn on the correct position

CHANGE: The CabControl and UserAction slider now display the current value when they’re activate
CHANGE: The weather report has been adjusted and now displays the correct weather
CHANGE: The symbol for the farm silo is on the correct position on the minimap now
CHANGE: Changes in the interface – the unload destination list can now be scrolled to the bottom
CHANGE: With manual gearshift, the selected forward gear is set again when shifting into reverse gear and back again
CHANGE: The loading/unloading on the farm should work correctly now with the AI helper. Litre vs kilograms are handled correctly.
CHANGE: The physical driving behaviour was adjusted for wet grounds.
CHANGE: The speed for changing the implements’ height was adjusted.

Cattle and Crops

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