Today we have a bug fix update for you which deals with some of the issues you have reported. Also some improvements have been implemented that were inspired by your feedback. You can see the details in our changelog as always.
We thank you for testing and wish you a pleasant weekend!
Changelog v0.0.9.6:
NEW: The mirrors of vehicles can be enabled and disabled in the graphics options
NEW: Confirmation message when starting a new map
NEW: Cows are now chased away by a vehicle’s horn
BUG FIX: The doors of the Betimax can be closed again
BIG FIX: The bulls stay in the Betimax and don’t stick their heads through the walls of the vehicle
BUG FIX: The mission condition window isn’t displayed with activated mouse cursor. As a result, a vehicle doesn’t simply drive on when a hint is displayed
BUG FIX: The light property has been adjusted for all LOD stages, lights don’t flicker any longer when switching between stages of detail
CHANGE: The animal mission has been reworked. For example the waypoints have been optimized and the feeding sites extended
CHANGE: The condition of the UserAction (active/inactive) is now also displayed when the UserAction has no slider
CHANGE: UserActions are transferred from the vehicle to the attached machinery, so the CornKing and its attachment for example are unfolded synchronously and the corn header Orbis 900 is switched on and off by the Jaguar and is therefore in sync as well
Cattle and crops